Detailed oral examinations
The key to healthy, gorgeous smile is proactive dental care. Dental examination include evaluation your overall oral health and hygiene, including cavities, root decay, oral cancer as well as your risk for gum and bone diseases. We assess your need for treatment or restorations utilizing state-of-the- art technology like digital x-rays.
- About Digital X-rays
Numerous dental and oral problems that can be discovered with digital x-rays, such as tooth decay, cavities, cysts, abscesses, bone loss, and tooth impaction. When these problems are detected early, you will have more treatment options that are less invasive and more effective.
Oral Hygiene & Gum Care
One of the common concerns we come across include bleeding gums while brushing teeth. Most of the times gum diseases are overlooked, which in the long run can causes pain and pimples like pus filled cavity in the gums.
At Global dental we offer deep cleaning of the teeth which will help you maintain your oral health.
- Mouthguards
Delivering quality, specialty healthcare, and diagnostics consistently and responsively.
Preventive Dentistry
Pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth are completely normal, but also very difficult to clean. Food and bacteria get easily trapped in these crevices and fuel decay.
We offer dental sealant treatments to help protect these hard-to-reach, “groovy” teeth and prevent cavities. Anyone can benefit from a dental sealant, but we especially recommend this treatment for our young patients.
Tooth Coloured Fillings
Cavities are decayed areas of your teeth that turn into tiny openings or holes. To keep your mouth healthy and avoid more invasive procedures (like a root canal), it’s important to stop decay with a dental filling.
We offer white fillings to restore your tooth back to its normal function and shape while maintaining the natural look of your beautiful smile.
Cavities can occur in between tooth, which are often left unnoticed. One common symptom is food getting trapped in this area. If addressed at the right time, the tooth can be maintained in its position.
Correction of tooth wear, erosion
Inlays & Onlays
If you have a larger filling, or a broken cusp on a tooth, we may want to consider a porcelain inlay or onlay. These restorations are a simple and effective treatment, and in some cases are an excellent alternative to a complete porcelain crown.
Porcelain fused to metal crown- Bio safe, Premium and Classic
If you have aesthetic concerns and wish to have metal crowns inserted then these are the best option available. The inside of the teeth is made up of metal and the outer portion of the crown is made of porcelain. It has dual advantage , metal which provides strength and porcelain which matches with the color of the teeth making it look like natural teeth.
Metal crowns made of C0-Cr, Ni-Cr, Precious metal crowns
A long term durable solution. Being strong they do not wear down easily. The only drawback is that because of its metallic colour not suitable for anterior teeth.
All ceramic crowns- Pressing Technology (IPS Empress e.max, CAD/CAM Zirconia restorations
Monolith Crowns
Monolithic restorations preferred heavily for their strength and reasonable cost, with the most popular being lithium disilicate and zirconia. They are both good restorations, but they should be used in different areas of the mouth for maximum strength and esthetics.
In-office tooth whitening using Pola Office and Opalescence Boost technique
Your lifestyle appears on your teeth; years of drinking coffee, tea, soda, or red wine, as well as smoking, can darken your teeth. We can put the sparkle back into your smile both easy and non-invasive, and can remove years of stain and color from your teeth.
Correction of small gaps between teeth using Ceramic veneers and Fixed Orthodontic therapy
Root Canal Treatment also is known as Endodontic Treatment is a procedure done when the tooth decay reaches the pulp (innermost layer of the tooth) causing inflammation. It is necessary to save the damaged tooth from extraction. This procedure is done by an Endodontist who is known as a Root Canal Specialist.
When cavity goes untreated for too long, and the soft pulp within a child’s tooth becomes infected. Sometimes decay will develop under a filling, and the tooth’s pulp is eventually damaged. Once the infection reaches the pulp, your child may complain of toothache and pain, as well as tooth sensitivity, especially to hot and cold temperatures.
Another reason for needing this procedure is because your child has sustained some type of dental trauma or injury that has caused a tooth to crack or break. Oftentimes, breaks and cracks aren’t severe enough to warrant a pulpectomy. However, if the crack is deep enough to expose the inner pulp, it can cause severe pain and sensitivity until a pulpectomy is performed.
Management of fall injuries
Fall injuries are quite common amongst children and most of the times leading to fracture of the tooth. Management of these injuries are usually dependent on the extent of the fracture , time of fracture and most importantly age of your child. Sometimes tooth comes out completely following a fall, in such situations it is recommended to carry the tooth in a container filled with milk and immediately reach out to your specialist.
Laser dentistry offers a highly effective alternative to painful and noisy drilling procedures. Lasers can now be used to perform a variety of functions such as:
Smile Correction with Braces
Crowded, crooked or irregularly placed teeth can lead to low self confidence and low self esteem. We offer various treatment modalities which help in correcting not just the mal-aligned teeth but also the bite of the patient. This leads to improving in aesthetics and also the oral health and function.